
Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Hello :-)

I have recently been shopping in Dublin City and visited Boots, because which girl doesn't like to treat themselves to some makeup? I picked up 2 Lip products as recently I have had very chapped lips, which isn't very pleasant.

The first one I picked up is the 'Hydrating' Maybelline Baby Lips, as I thought - Oooh Hydrating! My lips will no longer be chapped! that and - It's blue.. I love blue. Good enough reasons to buy it, I think so. Honestly, I do think it is a good product and my lips have certainly been less chapped. The product also has a nice scent, not too sweet. The only minor problem I have had is that if you eat or drink, you do need to re-apply it, which isn't really that big of an issue. Overall, I do really like it and may in fact purchase one of the others as there are 5 more!

The Maybelline Baby Lips in 'Quenched'. I got it in Boots for €3.99 
The second product that I purchased was the Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in the colour 'Peach on the Beach'. I initially bought the item because of Vlogger Zoe Sugg's positive review of the products as she loved them so much that she purchased more of the products in the other colours. However, as I was deciding whether or not to buy it I was going through reasons why I should/shouldn't, it became apparent that I was going to buy it anyway. Peach is not a colour I have ever worn on my lips and is a bit out of my comfort zone, which is another reason as to why I decided to buy it. However, I love the bright color, you really don't need to apply that much as it glides onto your lips very easily. I am considering buying more of the Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayons in some of the other colours. I have worn it once so far, and I must say that it makes your lips feel really silky (not weird at all) and makes your lips look glossy without the whole sticky-gloss feel (thumbs up!). Although, I haven't worn it long enough to find any flaws in the product, so it is still great in my opinion! 

Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in 'Peach on the Beach'. I got it in Boots for  €10.99

Jo - xoxo

Wednesday, April 16, 2014



So 2014 Jo decided to make a return. I haven't updated this blog since 2011 but it's definitely about time!

A lot has happened since 2011, this list below summarises everything that's happened to me:

  • Finished my GCSE's - June 2011
  • Started my A-Level's - September 2011 
  • Finished my A-Level's June 2013
  • Graduated from Dubai College after being there for 7 years.
  • Moved from Dubai to England to do an Art Foundation course in Leicester.
  • Applied to do Illustration/Visual Media (Hoping to go to LCC - Fingers crossed)
As of now it is the Easter holidays and I am with family in Ireland, whilst my mum, dad and sister are all in Dubai. Not jealous at all. Although, I am glad to be in Ireland for Easter, I don't remember the last time I was here for Easter. As a bonus, the weather has been quite good so I can't really complain, and I am getting to go to all of my favourite counties - Dublin, Waterford, Clare & Limerick. It's nice to spend time with family anytime too, and usually I would only see all of my Irish relatives in the summer, but since moving to the UK I see them more frequently which I really enjoy. 

When I go back to the UK I will be waiting, as my work from the Foundation course is being marked and then in early May I have a 5 day exhibition. After that I should be moving all of my stuff, somehow, to London, and then leaving the tropical English weather for some Dubai heat. I haven't been home since Christmas so I'm really excited about this - I get to see my mum, dad and cat again :-) Smiles all around!

Blogging Plans
I do plan to Blog more than I have done. I will aim to write a post once a week at least! My blog posts will be based on Travel, Beauty & Fashion, as well as just updates on my life if I feel like it.

Jo - xoxo