
Friday, May 30, 2014

High-End Purchases


I realise I haven't had a post in a while, this is because I have been extremely busy with moving and traveling! Also managed to see One Direction in that time and they were absolutely incredible, thanks for inviting me to come with you Meabh (If you're reading this). I am now currently in Dubai, back home with my mum and dad after being away from them for 4 months! So it's nice to be back, despite the at times unbearable weather.

Throughout all of the traveling I have been doing however, I have still been able to sneak in some cheeky shopping time :-) The products that I bought have received such great reviews, therefore, I took it upon myself to try them out myself to see how I feel about them.

The first product I got was Benefits Pore Professional. This product is used as a primer which also aids in eliminating the appearance of pores, so placing it either side of your nose where pores are most visible and anywhere else you feel you need coverage. Personally, I also like to put it on my nose, chin and forehead just so I get a good coverage everywhere. The product makes your face feel amazing! It gets really soft and silky whilst doing it's job. The packaging is also really cool, like everything that comes from Benefit! Definitely the best packaging in the Makeup industry! Although, the product isn't the cheapest I still think it is worth buying. I have noticed that when I have Pore Professional on underneath my foundation, that my foundation/concealer/etc does last longer throughout the day and my skin doesn't get as oily as it usually would. I only have good things to say about this product, so if you're thinking of buying it I would highly recommend it! :-)

Benefit Pore Professional. I bought this in Ireland so it was 32 Euros.

This next product I purchased is the YSL (Yves Saint Laurent) Babydoll Mascara. Now, before anyone judges me for buying this, I just want to say that I bought it with Birthday money I still had, and I did do my research before getting it. I don't regret buying it at all! This is hands down, one of, if not, the BEST mascara I have ever owned. The wand is really flexible and you're really able to get a root-to-tip application which you don't necessarily get with all mascaras. Not once have I poked myself in the eye with it! Also, you really get product on every eyelash, and they separate quite well too. So it is quite hard to get the spidery eyelash look! Unless you do numerous coats! The packaging is obviously lovely as it's from YSL! I love the sleek gold appearance of it, it looks super sophisticated. Like me. JK. Honestly though, if anyone is looking in to buying a new mascara and you've got money you don't mind spending, then I would also recommend purchasing this mascara, or even going and asking if there's a sample sized version of it so that you can make up your own mind about it. However, it is definitely one of my new favourite products.

YSL Babydoll Mascara. This was bought in Ireland too, 34 Euros.
As I travel quite frequently, you can imagine that I spend a fair amount of time in airports. To waste time in airports, you go to the duty free right? Who doesn't love a good browse in the duty free shops? I mean, I LOVE Duty Free, so much Makeup!! Which brings me to the next product... When I was in Dublin Airport the other day, I may or may not have stumbled into the Bobbi Brown area. Now, I have never owned a Bobbi Brown product before, but have always wanted one, which I'm sure is the same for every other makeup interested person! Everyone knows the name 'Bobbi Brown'. For a while though, I have been eyeing up this certain product - Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick, looking for a colour which I would love (Nectar). However, I never purchased it as I own a MAC product quite similar which was limited addition and my sister decided to take it and use most of it, and when I got it back there was hardly any product left. Sad, sad times. This justified me being allowed to purchase the Shimmer Brick. Even in the airport, I tried it on with help from a very kind woman working there! Telling me not to go overboard when applying it! After looking at it on my skin for a few minutes, I knew I was getting it. I just accepted the fact that I wasn't walking away without it. No regrets. I really, really like this product. I can honestly say, that after staying away from blushers for a while because I didn't like how they looked on my skin, that now, because I feel like my skin is so much better, I feel comfortable wearing them again. This Shimmer Brick adds colour and of course, shimmer to your face, making it look healthy and glowing! and now that it's summer it just completes my summer makeup look! This product is fabulous because it can also be used as a highlight, or a touch of shimmer to add over a blush. Again though, if you don't mind spending the money, this is a product I would recommend as it is likely you will have it for a very long time. Unless you go overboard, which the kind lady in Dublin Airport said not to.

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Nectar. 36 Euros.

Following the last product, this next one was also purchased in Duty Free, this time, in Heathrow Airport. Now I have heard a lot about this product and was very interested in it.. The Clinique bottom lash mascara. My bottom lashes usually look ridiculous when I apply mascara to them, as they end up looking longer than the top ones and I look like some sort of creepy doll. To deal with that issue, I would actually have to try and pick off the mascara on the tips of my bottom eyelashes, which I know sounds kind of gross but I did it. Sorry not sorry. Anyway, so I went to Clinique to check it out, asked the woman how much it was.. 10 Pounds! Now, I know this product isn't the same size as all other mascaras which are usually about 10 pounds too, but for a High-End product, I was pleasantly surprised. So of course, I bought it. Oops. Again though, I am without regret, the wand on the mascara is so tiny that you really can get at every bottom lash, darkening the areas you please. I like to put more of it on the outside bottom lashes as I think it looks prettier like that! But that is just my opinion. Obviously, if you decide to buy it, you can do with it as you please. 

Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara. 10 Pounds.
Luckily I didn't buy anything else, although I was tempted. For now though, I shall leave you with this post. Thank you for reading it. 

Jo - xo