
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Charlotte Tilbury

Hello :-)

I recently decided to go to Selfridges.. Just for a browse.. Ha. As if that ever results in NOT buying anything. Maybe for some. Not me. I had always wanted a Charlotte Tilbury lipstick, and had been looking for a pretty neutral colour that you can wear during the day. Therefore, after trying out loads of them on the back of my hand I took a liking to "Walk of Shame".

I need to just say as well, the packaging for the lipstick is just divine. Rose Gold. Who doesn't like Rose Gold?! Not to forget, but the lipstick itself is amazing. Easy to apply, stays on for ages and looks FLAWLESS. Yep. I mean, even though it was £23 I was still able to justify buying it in my mind. Basically just telling myself I needed it and that my life would not be complete without this beauty of a lipstick.

Yes, in the photo above I am wearing "Walk of Shame" and I LOVE IT. I'm also wearing NARS blush in "Orgasm" (I know weird name, not the first to point this out) but it is incredible. Hands down my new favourite blusher. 

Jo - xo

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Wow! I honestly can't believe it's already 2015. Time honestly goes by so quickly, I think the first time I realised this was when I was 11 years old and was just drawing near to the end of my Summer in Ireland. 9 years later, here I am, at uni in London. I just turned 20 on Wednesday which is nuts. No longer a teenager. Both sad and glad that my teenage years are behind me, a lot of lessons learned.

This year I hope to figure out what it really is I am passionate about, as I'm not too sure I'm going down the right path. I don't expect to wake up and just know. Life always throws unexpected things your way, it's just about how you react and deal with them.

I know I haven't posted on here in a while, but it's honestly because I've been so busy and so frustrated and stressed. I think I'm actually procrastinating now. Oops. I find that being forced to do something that I was once passionate about makes me despise it more and more everyday. I'm finding it hard to deal with this realisation but also wondering if it's because it's not what I should be doing. I have started researching other possibilities and making enquiries. Something definitely needs to change.

20 is definitely starting off with a lot of awakenings, and adult situations which I feel I'm still too young to be dealing with. It does frighten me slightly that I am in my 20's now, I'm officially an adult now I think. Your 20's are meant to be your most selfish years and that's how I plan to keep them. Trying to find out who I am. I never really understood in movies when I was younger and a character would say "I need to find myself" or something along those lines, but now, I really do understand.

I'm not going to promise I will post on here weekly, because that would never work. However, I will promise to post on here when I am up for the occasion and I am not painfully busy or struggling with what is going on at that moment in time.

Jo - xo