
Sunday, February 1, 2015


Wow! I honestly can't believe it's already 2015. Time honestly goes by so quickly, I think the first time I realised this was when I was 11 years old and was just drawing near to the end of my Summer in Ireland. 9 years later, here I am, at uni in London. I just turned 20 on Wednesday which is nuts. No longer a teenager. Both sad and glad that my teenage years are behind me, a lot of lessons learned.

This year I hope to figure out what it really is I am passionate about, as I'm not too sure I'm going down the right path. I don't expect to wake up and just know. Life always throws unexpected things your way, it's just about how you react and deal with them.

I know I haven't posted on here in a while, but it's honestly because I've been so busy and so frustrated and stressed. I think I'm actually procrastinating now. Oops. I find that being forced to do something that I was once passionate about makes me despise it more and more everyday. I'm finding it hard to deal with this realisation but also wondering if it's because it's not what I should be doing. I have started researching other possibilities and making enquiries. Something definitely needs to change.

20 is definitely starting off with a lot of awakenings, and adult situations which I feel I'm still too young to be dealing with. It does frighten me slightly that I am in my 20's now, I'm officially an adult now I think. Your 20's are meant to be your most selfish years and that's how I plan to keep them. Trying to find out who I am. I never really understood in movies when I was younger and a character would say "I need to find myself" or something along those lines, but now, I really do understand.

I'm not going to promise I will post on here weekly, because that would never work. However, I will promise to post on here when I am up for the occasion and I am not painfully busy or struggling with what is going on at that moment in time.

Jo - xo