
Wednesday, April 16, 2014



So 2014 Jo decided to make a return. I haven't updated this blog since 2011 but it's definitely about time!

A lot has happened since 2011, this list below summarises everything that's happened to me:

  • Finished my GCSE's - June 2011
  • Started my A-Level's - September 2011 
  • Finished my A-Level's June 2013
  • Graduated from Dubai College after being there for 7 years.
  • Moved from Dubai to England to do an Art Foundation course in Leicester.
  • Applied to do Illustration/Visual Media (Hoping to go to LCC - Fingers crossed)
As of now it is the Easter holidays and I am with family in Ireland, whilst my mum, dad and sister are all in Dubai. Not jealous at all. Although, I am glad to be in Ireland for Easter, I don't remember the last time I was here for Easter. As a bonus, the weather has been quite good so I can't really complain, and I am getting to go to all of my favourite counties - Dublin, Waterford, Clare & Limerick. It's nice to spend time with family anytime too, and usually I would only see all of my Irish relatives in the summer, but since moving to the UK I see them more frequently which I really enjoy. 

When I go back to the UK I will be waiting, as my work from the Foundation course is being marked and then in early May I have a 5 day exhibition. After that I should be moving all of my stuff, somehow, to London, and then leaving the tropical English weather for some Dubai heat. I haven't been home since Christmas so I'm really excited about this - I get to see my mum, dad and cat again :-) Smiles all around!

Blogging Plans
I do plan to Blog more than I have done. I will aim to write a post once a week at least! My blog posts will be based on Travel, Beauty & Fashion, as well as just updates on my life if I feel like it.

Jo - xoxo

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