
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Life Update!

Hello :-)

So it has been a while since I last posted, even though I said before that I would post at least once a week. Oops. My bad. Life happens you know? I was in Dubai for my last post, which was 2 months ago! I have since travelled to both Ireland & England.

I flew with my Dad and Sister to Ireland to be reunited with our Mum and to see all of our Irish family. Although, we kept it very quiet as I had come up with this amazing (If I may say so myself) idea to surprise 3 of my cousins of whom my sister and I are closest to.. *cough* Meabh *cough* The plan went accordingly and we even have a video to prove it! I don't think I had ever been so pleased with surprising a person before! Let alone 3 of them! I think I cried of happiness.. Yep. Our time in Ireland could be described as short and sweet. I feel like we're never there for a significant length of time, and even if we are it never feels like it. I thoroughly enjoy being in Ireland and seeing all of my Irish family, always a comfort.

With my mum flying back to Dubai, my dad and I travelled to the UK. Leaving Ciara in Ireland with my best gal cousins. We flew to Bristol, rented a car to Bath and sorted out some stuff there before heading up to London. My dad and I had to move a total of 7 boxes and 2 suitcases from my friends flat on one side of London, to my new room in halls on the other side. I can tell you now that it took 2 stressful and very, very sweaty trips.  Then I knew it was time to say bye to my dad again for another 3 months! Lucky for me, I have the crying gene (thanks mum) so of course, I cried like a baby when it came to saying that final bye to my dad. Yallah December.

However, on a brighter note, I was presented with the challenge of decorating a new room. Hardly a challenge! I quite enjoy decorating rooms. Think I've played too much of The Sims. Anyway, after living here for almost 2 weeks, I can say that I have settled in and my room is definitely feeling more homely. Oh, almost missed out the reason why I moved to London! I was accepted for my first choice of a University which is London College of Communication UAL (University of the Arts London) :-) I am very excited about this, and nervous, which is completely normal for a Fresher! Even if it is round 2. I don't start for another 2 weeks though, but I do have a project to crack on with.

It has been fantastic being back in the UK as I have been able to meet up with friends from Dubai who live in London or are just passing through, as well as my friends that I made last year in Leicester! I've also been attempting to make new friends here in halls and it is going great. I feel like living in London, and it being my first year here, that it is completely acceptable for me to be taking tourist photos of everything. I mean now is the time to do it. I'm hoping to see a lot of friends and family being in London, as it is a popular place that is always buzzing. That's one of the reasons that I chose to apply to London, there's just always something going on! I think I missed that being in Leicester, it's not quite as big. Moving to Leicester from Dubai, I wasn't expecting to miss the whole big city vibe but I did! So glad to be in London now and obviously it is probably the best place for a creative person, so many resources.

No matter where you are I think it is very important to appreciate all that is around you. Even living in London now I find myself missing little details from Leicester that I never imagined I would. You learn something new about yourself every time you go somewhere different.

Jo - xo

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