
Friday, September 19, 2014

Tarte & Milani


In the summer holidays, one of my besties flew back to the USA to visit family. Knowing this, I thought 'maybe I should ask her to buy me things that I can't get in Dubai/Ireland/UK' this is one of the best ideas I've had. Great job Jo. So I was online doing some research (Sephora&Wallgreens) and desperately trying to remember some American products that I've previously heard beauty gurus on YouTube mention. There were more products that I could think off the top of my head but I decided to keep it short and sweet.. and cheap! enough.

1. Milani Eye Tech Extreme Liquid Eyeliner, 01 Blackest Black
2. Milani Brow Fix Kit, 01 Light
3. Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes 4-in-1 Mascara

Milani Eye Tech Extreme Liquid Eyeliner
For a while, I had considerably gone off using eyeliners in all forms. This is because I always, without fail, manage to get it smudged all over my face. My go to product for creating a top lid eyeliner-wing-look had always been MAC's gel pot liner in Blacktrack just because for me it always lasted the longest on and didn't smudge much. However, this eyeliner by Milani is really good. It is so easy to apply, although, I do wish that more product came out in each stroke. The product comes on quite smoothly and in thinner layers than I am used to, which is not a fault, I'm just used to the thickness of a gel liner. The product is said to be waterproof, which is correct. The only flaw with the product that I recognised was that by the end of the day, the wings had faded quite a bit. However, for $7.79/£4.78 it is definitely a bargain! and is overall a fantastic product and I most certainly would recommend it!

Milani Brow Fix Kit, 01 Light
I think I was in need of an actual brow product as apposed to using an eyeshadow to fill in my eyebrows. Alas, I present to you the Milani Brow Fix Kit. I could not give this product a higher approval! It is incredible. Now, I had asked for the 'Medium' but I am actually pleased that I instead received the 'Light' as the shade 'Brow 2' is the perfect colour for me. I worry that had I received 'Medium' that it would have been way too dark. As you can see in the image above, I use the middle brush to apply the colour (Brow 2) which I LOVE as it is the exact size and shape that you would need. I also LOVE the 'Hi-Lite' as it provides the most subtle amount of shimmer and really completes my whole eye look. Not only does the product provide 2 brow colours, a highlight and a brush to apply the eyebrow colour, it also includes a mirror and a miniature tweezer! This is EXACTLY what any travel/makeup obsessed person needs! I use it everyday without fail. Everyone should go out now and buy it, or try to find it on Amazon if you can't get it because you don't live in the States. Especially as all of that comes for the price of $6.79/£4.17!!! Thank you Milani!

Tarte Light, Camera, Lashes Mascara
Tarte was a brand that I had never heard of until I watched Ingrid Nilsen's YouTube channel, aka - Missglamorazzi. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her, first of all, for all of her videos and content, because she's honestly one of my favourite vloggers. Also, because she is so honest to the point where I would trust her if she told me to buy a product. So cheers to Ingrid because you are brilliant at what you do. When I first used this mascara, I was a bit like 'meh, not as good as YSL Babydoll' so I put it aside for a while. Then one fine day, when I was looking through my beauty bag and saw this beautifully parcelled mascara, I was like 'it deserves a second chance'. From that day on I have not looked back. I use about 2 coats and I must say it makes your eyelashes look phenomenal! It adds colour and thickness whilst separating the eyelashes. This is something I always look for in a mascara, the ability to separate as many eyelashes as possible so that the false lash look is there. I'm starting to worry about what I will do when I've finished the product as I live in London and you can't buy it here. Might have to hit up Amazon... If I have any money left. For $20/£12.28 I would highly recommend it! It is a truly magnificent mascara and even though it is a little more pricey than I'd like, it is worth it. So worth it.

Jo - xo

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